I Could Never

I Could Never


I Could NEVER…

Serenity Float and Massage Team

29 November 2018

What does cilantro (coriander), stink bugs and bubble gum have to do with floating

FEAR. It is a contagious force that grows and spreads through spoken words. It will rob us of our potential and leave us missing out. What we speak will define our reality.

My older brother has always been a prankster. When I was a little boy he gave me a squashed green stink bug and said: “here you go, its bubble gum…” Of course 3 year-old me thanked him, put it in my mouth and started to chew.

Have you ever tasted a stink bug? I’m sure you’ve smelled one. It tastes exactly how you could imagine: disgusting.

A Stink Bug
next to cilantro… They have a few thinks in common
Our brains can recall memories associated with smells and tastes in a very powerful way. It wasn’t until years later, in my early 20s, that I first tasted cilantro leaves (or coriander here in NZ). After my first taste, my brain made an instantaneous connection with my stink bug episode at age 3 and I was immediately grossed out. Cilantro was my least favourite taste ever and I said: “I could NEVER eat that again!” But I had a dilemma… I had a theory back then that we choose what we like and don’t like and this was now my chance to truly put that theory to the test.

“I had to change my thinking. I had to undo the series of neural pathways associated with that first experience.”

I had to change my thinking. I had to undo the series of neural pathways associated with that first experience. I needed to rebuild new and other ways of thinking about the same topic but from a different perspective. It wasn’t easy but with persistence, intentionality, and practice it worked. The second time I tried cilantro was also terrible but the win was that I tried it again. The third time was easier and eventually I, like millions of other people on this planet, got to enjoy cilantro. In fact, it has become one of my favourite spices to cook with. Cilantro with freshly chopped ginger, onions and a bit of olive oil with butter over the stove in the pan: divine!
Cilantro and corn…
You have got to try this!
One of the biggest reservations I hear from people regarding floating involves claustrophobia. “I could NEVER get into one of those” they say as they transfer that fear onto another person. We see people with severe anxiety disorders and I can say, from personal experience, that when someone says “I could never…” they are sadly wrong. Our clients who are working through building new ways of thinking would say the same: They are simply wrong. You can if you decide to. You are not stuck in fear forever and if you want, you can be set free from your anxiety.
One of our float cabins, the Floataround, was purpose built for people suffering with anxiety. It is spacious, beautiful and has light and music options. You are in full control of your environment. It even has star lights in the ceiling that you get to turn on or off. For those of you who read my post about my claustrophobia, you’ll know that the Floataround was the tank that had me calm my nerves and it wasn’t until I went in the Tranquility pod that I was really making strides. The Tranquility is now my favourite tank out of all the float tanks I have ever been in. I still get a bit anxious, especially in very large crowds, but I no longer say “I could NEVER…” Life’s too amazing to miss out because of narrow/untrue thinking.  

Why is Floating such a powerful therapy?

Why is Floating such a powerful therapy?

One word: Interoception. Google it. It is our brain’s ability to sense what is going on inside of our bodies. Research has shown that an increase in interoception can lead to higher levels of resilience and abilities to cope with stress as well as many other disorders (anxiety, addictions, insomnia, autism etc.). The problem is, we don’t take enough time to slow down and “listen” to how we’re actually doing inside.

Floating has a profound effect on increasing interoception because you are in an environment where many of your external senses are minimised (sound, gravity, light etc.) giving the brain a heightened sensory enhancement of interoception. Traditionally the therapy used to be called “Sensory Deprivation” but researchers such as Dr. Justin Feinstein and Dr. Sahib Khalsa argue that is should rather be called “Sensory Enhancement”

It is really important that you choose a float clinic that has intentionally designed an environment where your exteroception is minimised to enhance interoception. Are the rooms soundproof? Is there light coming through the ceiling or doors? Do you feel the water’s temperature? These are good question to know whether you are giving your brain the optimal environment to take your mind into an enhanced interoceptive state. If you are distracted by noises coming through the door or you are feeling hot, cold, stuffy (too much humidity – not enough fresh airflow) or there’s light coming from somewhere, there’s a strong chance that you won’t receive the many benefits that come with increased interoception.

When building our Hamilton float clinic, we made sure that we do not cut corners on soundproofing, temperature, humidity control, water quality and light penetration. Our float tanks are developed by the leading clinical float research and manufacturing company, Floataway from the UK so you can rest assured while you float your stress away…

Feeling cold or hot may affect your float experience

Feeling cold or hot may affect your float experience

There has been a lot of study into the effects of how active interoception increases our ability to take stock of how we’re doing. Research has shown that an increase in interoception can lead to higher levels of resilience and abilities to cope with stress as well as many other disorders (anxiety, addictions, insomnia, autism etc.). The problem is, we don’t take enough time to slow down and “listen” to how we’re actually doing inside.

When we float and experience feeling too cold or too hot, our brain is distracted from its active interoceptive potential and we have added an unnecessary input for our brain to process – not only are we distracted, we are also uncomfortable. A well thought out clinical float environment takes airflow and temperature into account when setting up the premises.

It is really important that you choose a float clinic that has intentionally designed an environment where your exteroception is minimised to enhance interoception. Are the rooms soundproof? Is there light coming through the ceiling or doors? Do you feel the water’s temperature? These are good question to know whether you are giving your brain the optimal environment to take your mind into an enhanced interoceptive state. If you are distracted by feeling hot, cold, stuffy (too much humidity – not enough fresh airflow) there’s a strong chance that you won’t receive the many benefits that come with increased interoception.

When building our Hamilton float clinic, we made sure that we do not cut corners on temperature and humidity control and have installed an individual zone controlled integrated heat recovery and ventilation system that keeps humidity, airflow and temperature at an optimal level – one less thing that your brain needs to process.

Our Rooms

We set out to build our clinic to the highest standards of clinical floatation therapy. 

With this in mind we have have purpose built each room to the highest standard of soundproofing, air and temperature quality and light options


Serenity Float Clinic has used the same level of soundproofing as high end music recording studios. This gives you the optimal external noise reduced environment so that your brain can focus on an increased active interoception. From decoupled walls and ceilings, acoustic foam …

Book Now

Our float and massage clinic has been purposely designed to help people with stress, anxiety, pain, sleep and enhancing their creative and physical potential.

Come float with us. Book your session today.